In the continued spirit of Spring and celebrating Reincarnation, Rebirth, Renewal and Vitality in all forms we are bursting with excitement to announce… we’ve found a new sacred space for our community! A healing refuge to practice peace and celebrate beauty and LOVE.
LOTUSLAND YOGA SF opens this coming August, a little further down the road in the Mission, on Valencia and 24th St. to serve our beautiful city and help all emerge out of the mud of so much loss and pain.
We would love for all of you to be an integral part of the Lotus blossoming in any way you can, to be a part of the creation as we lay down the floors and paint the walls and prepare for our grand opening ceremony in August! Linked below are options for contributing to our opening and volunteer opportunities
get the perfect introduction to our many styles of yoga, your first 5 class package at a discount!
enjoy your first month at Lotusland with an unlimited yoga pass, includes our opening celebration!
contribute $250 and receive 3 months of unlimited yoga, opening celebration, and one special event of your choice!
when we opened the doors to our first simple sanctuary for yoga and sacred living in 1999. Before the internet, social media and zoom we wanted to share the transformative practices of yoga as a healing salve that had been passed down to us through our teachers and our teachers’ teachers ..way back to ancient caves in India and our own ancestors that brought us so much peace and joy and awakened compassion in our hearts to be of service to our world. We wanted to create a space for everyone to feel welcome to bring all parts of themselves, like Rumi’s poem the Guest House that compares our being human to a guest house – to welcome the joy, depression, shame and malice as visitors to bow down to and treat honorably as a teacher sent as a guide from beyond.
Since then we have gone through many transformations and have learned and grown so much through life’s great Gurus: the blessings and challenges of daily life, as we have honored each one through the doors and onto the mat to move, breathe, sit and change with and learn from to be of greater service to a higher good. And so… we are renaming the new sanctuary, LOTUSLAND YOGA SF, to honor our roots and continue to grow branches like the eight limbs of Yoga reaching and stretching the blessings of Yoga’s values and ethics of equality into our streets and all aspects of our lives to honor Yoga’s timeless traditions and roots.
2025 Lotusland Yoga San Francisco